Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Frustrated, but definately not giving up.
From: Robert Jonsson (
Date: Sun Oct 19 2003 - 21:50:39 EEST
> I don't know of any general MIDI sequencer that has released JACK
> transport support yet. Here is the current status AFAIK...
> rosegarden -- developers have expressed interest, but they need to
> fold that back into their own release plans and schedules
> MUSE -- I have not heard any plans
I'm gathering up strength to try and remedy this, it won't happen today
though... maybe tomorrow ;)...
> ardour -- has partial support in beta5 (master, not slave)
> ecasound -- has a full implementation of both master and slave
> audacity -- if it has JACK support of any kind I haven't heard
> about it
> hydrogen -- has JACK transport support in the latest release
> I would be interested to hear about others, and to receive corrections
> for any misunderstandings on my part.
> Regards,
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