Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] hex base i/o addresses?
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Mon Oct 20 2003 - 17:50:18 EEST
> luned́, 20 ottobre 2003 alle 00:01:17, Aaron Trumm ha scritto:
> > Hi y'all - I'm having trouble with this one:
> >
> > I need to know the base i/o in hex of my sound card, so I can
> feed it to
> > Cakewlk which is running in dosemu, but I can't figure out how
> to find out
> > such a thing - I can't even tell if lspci is telling me any
> version of it
> Could be "cat /proc/ioports"?
Humm...this only seems to work if your sound card uses i/o mapping. The HDSP
9652 doesn't show up in this list on my machine, implying that it's
completely memory mapped.
How does one determine what the PCI base address registers are programmed to
for the memory mapped portion of a given card?
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