Re: [linux-audio-user] 2 questions ree: via vt8233

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] 2 questions ree: via vt8233
From: Rocco (
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 05:36:27 EEST wrote:

> running debian sid with a 2.4.18 kernel
> and alsa 0.9.5, I think. Folks on this
> list and alsa-user helped me get alsa
> working with my onboard sound, via
> vt8233, about a year ago. It works ok,
> but I've got 1 problem and one question.
> PROBLEM: every once in a while -- not
> often -- sound will hang and bring the
> whole system down; this happens with xmms,
> alsaplayer, and zinf, so I don't think
> it's strictly the playback software's fault.
> usually this isn't a catastrophe, since this
> is a workstation, not a heavy-duty server,
> but I'd like it not to happen. Anyone see
> this behaviour before, or know how I should
> try to diagnose it?

I've had this happen to me twice...

The first time it was a bad sound card. I know because it was making
static sounds. But the proof was that My sister installed it in Her
Windows Machine and it caused problems that She didn't have prior. We
thew it away and both of our computers had no more problems... Until...

The second time I had this problem, it was caused by a bad speaker wire.
I noticed that the computer would freeze up when I would unplug the
speaker (to plug in the headphones). That's the only time I had the
freeze up. So I use a different set of speakers (and change from speaker
to headphones all the time) and have no more problems with freeze ups.

> QUESTION: My sound card has three analog outs (green, blue, pink). I
> gues sthese are for a 5.1 surround sound system or something, but I'd
> like to try to have one stereo out go to my cheapo speakers, and one
> go to my headphones. Unfortunately I'm unable to get a signal out of
> anything other than the pink out. The others just give static and
> wierd stuff,

I know that I was getting static sounds with the soundcard that ended up
freezing up my computer.


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