Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ALSA, jack and the other stuff: Two cardshandling
From: Sascha Retzki (
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 22:17:29 EEST
--- Benjamin Flaming <> wrote:
> I am the guy with the alsa problem you remember me ? Well, I recompiled alsa, this time without any unresolved symbols... . Don't work right,
What exactly doesn't work?
> but I installed a second card from which I know that it worked well,
How do you know this?
> but this card cannot output something ( the hardware-outport is broken [ ooups ] )... .
Do you mean the card is physically broken?
Do you get error messages when you try to use it?
Have you used a program such as alsamixer to bring up the volume level, which defaults to all the way off?
> Everything seems to work fine,
What is "everything"? You just said the first card didn't work right, and the second card had no output.
> except that alsa uses my broken card, the ES1371 for audio output.
If I understand ALSA correctly, this is because it is the default device -hw:0. I think you would need to explicitly tell ALSA to use a different device. Have you read up on .asoundrc files? (I haven't (I know I ought to) - but I think it might be the answer).
> If I set jack to Playback via the card with index 1 , so my ESS-Solo1 (snd-es1938):
> # jackd -d alsa -d hw:0 -P hw:1
Why do you say "-d hw:0" if you want it to use hw:1? Try this:
jackd -d alsa -d hw:1
Good luck :)
LOL, hi !
I see that it is "irresponsible" to post a msg begins with 'you know iam the guy xy, I had x problem' ... .
I have had several problems with my ESS-Solo1 soundcard to start various sound apps which
using jack ... . The second card, the Es1371, IS able to start jack, the esssolo1 quits with some alsa-error msgs. I first thought the esssolo1-problem is a symbol-problem in the alsa-modules, but a recompilation ( a successfull ) did not change something with the "support" of the esssolo1 with jack.
So my Ess-Solo1 cannot be used via jack. My second card, Es1371, can , but it is physically broken. just the output-port, so this little "whole" where I put the speakers in, you understand ? I want to pipe jack-output to my first card, the Ess-Solo1. So I want to use my Es1371 for my MiDI-keyboard, for capturing AND for STARTING various soundapps like muse,ardour and Rosegarden4 and so on, but let the Ess-Solo1 output all the stuff jackd gets. (*puh* )
So, my cards are NOW:
Ess-solo1 <-> hw:0
Es1371 <-> hw:1
# jackd -d alsa -d hw:1 -P hw:0
Should set jack to USE the hw:1, so Es1371 and output via hw:0, my Ess-Solo1, right ? I think thats the question of my originally mail ;) . Sry, but I exchanged the order of both cards, I think in my first mail Ess-solo1 was hw:1 , but this is not good. You pointed it: My ess-solo1 is my normal sound-card for listening to music and so on, and it should be the first alsa card.
So, the above command prints out the help-menue which u get via:
# jackd -d alsa --help
Why ?
greetz, Sascha Retzki
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