Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD Burning...
From: iriXx (
Date: Fri Nov 07 2003 - 02:07:58 EET
how long have you had your burner?.....
mine is pooping out thesedays after a lot of wear and tear and im
getting about the same ratio of coasters too.
the other thing i'm guessing at is that maybe cdrecord / xcdroast arent
compatible with 52x burners?....
Aaron Trumm wrote:
> Hello list!
> I'm having some trouble with burning CD's and having trouble finding sources
> of info - I don't know if I'm just not looking very hard or well, or if I'm
> really getting stuck
> basically, right now on my system, they end up being coasters about 90% of
> the time - I've been trying both cdrecord and xcdroast and both either do
> the burn (i've tried burning iso files for backups and also doing audio cds)
> or they'll have some sort of error, fixate, and eject the disk early in the
> process
> I assume this is an issue with the hardware, I guess - I have an artec 52x
> burner
> other than this I don't have all that much info at my fingertips (I'm at the
> wrong computer) - but I'm trying to find stuff to start reading, checking,
> etc...
> any ideas would be appreciated! thanks!
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> Houston Poetry Slam Team
> NQuit Records
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