Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] some notes regarding sync (JACK, MTC) under Linux
From: Kai Vehmanen (
Date: Thu Dec 18 2003 - 19:03:54 EET
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Ecasound also works nicely with JACK but I haven't tested all the
> transport functions yet. I just realized that ecasound should be able to
> rewind to start under JACK. Kai, am I right about that ? Where can I
> find a summary of ecasound's current JACK capability ?
Yes, Ecasound has full transport support meaning it both reacts to and
sends transport events by default (i.e. no need to specify anything on the
command-line assuming you have at least one JACK input/output in the
chainsetup). Same applies to Ecamegapedal, it too is fully transport
Everything is documented in the man pages and the user's guide:
See especially the section '7.6.3 Transport Control' in the user's guide.
A short example:
# - start showtime (comes with JACK) to see the JACK-wide
# transport state
console1> jack_showtime
# - start ecasound with mp3 playback
console2> ecasound -i foo.mp3 -o jack_alsa -c
# - start processing
ecasound> start
# - check the 'console1' window, you should see the transport
# rolling
# - reposition using jack_transport (another util that comes
# with JACK)
console3> jack_transport
# - locate to pos 10sec (if srate=44100)
jack_transport> locate locate 441000
# - switch back to ecasound and rewind to start
ecasound> setpos 0
... and so on. Everything works in real-time, and it doesn't matter which
client you use for making transport state changes.
-- Audio software for Linux!
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