Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Kernels, and disk I/O
From: Luke Yelavich (
Date: Mon Dec 22 2003 - 12:20:06 EET
At 08:07 PM 22/12/2003, Anahata wrote:
>While all the excited chat is about the shiny new kernel 2.6.0,
>I have a 2.4.x question:
>I used 2.4.18 until recently, when I found that a disk I/O scheduling
>problem (lack of responsiveness while writing backups to an optical
>disk) was solved by upgrading to 2.4.20. Now I find that recording
>audio on 2.4.20 is useless, with long droputs in the recorded sound.
>I'm sure this is related to the way the system periodically dozes off for
>a few seconds (not echoing console input) while it does some
>disk intensive work. Rebooting 2.4.18 restored audio sanity, fortunately.
You should upgrade to a newer kernel, as 2.4.20 was known to have some
issues with ext3.
-- Luke Yelavich AudioSlack Founder and head package maintainer Audio software packaged for the Slackware Linux Distribution
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