Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Note Edit and LilyPond
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 16:38:41 EEST
Hi Joerg:
I tested NE 2.6.0 for LilyPond output and am getting the same errors
as with the previous version. Apparently NE is not adding a version line
to its output. If I add this line :
\version "1.8"
I can then run convert-ly on it and create a usable LilyPond file.
Joerg Anders wrote:
>On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Dave Phillips wrote:
>>However, it still seems that NE
>>is not exporting even according to its own directives. I specifically
>>asked it to keep beaming and stem directions, but all that info was lost
>>in the exported LY file.
>I'm somtimes a bit confused. The code was there. But it became effectless
>in last version :-(
>It should work again in noteedit-2.6.0
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