Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Reading/playing a "copy protected" CD : Reed-Solomon correction?
From: Martin McCormick (
Date: Sun Jun 27 2004 - 23:22:46 EEST
I read that Sony spent a gob of Cash developing a CD copy
protection scheme that is defeatable by the black marker mask around
the outside edge of the playing surface. I think I read it in "Sound
and Vision," but I wouldn't swear to that.
The data dongle confuses CDROM drives so they can't seem to
find their way around the disk.
The problem is that it also confuses cd players which have
drives in them that operate more like CDROM drives than earlier CD
players did. I think if it can be played, it can ultimately be ripped.
lee writes:
>I've heard black magic marker can be drawn on certain areas to
>"undamage" the disc. I haven't done any reading on the subject but I'm
>sure google has some advice.
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