Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [OT - Apostrophe]
From: tim hall (
Date: Wed Jun 30 2004 - 19:47:29 EEST
Whee, let's OT!
... at risk of breaking the biscuit continuity ...
Last Tuesday 29 June 2004 13:35, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki was like:
> Not that the OT needs to go on any longer, but monk is one of my all
> time favorite composers and performers. :-D If I were to start studying
> music again I think I would start with monk.
Seeing as how one of my greatest influences always quotes Monk as one of his,
I should study too. My interest in Jazz currently starts somewhere round
Miles Davis. Clearly I never listened to Frank Zappa's lyrics properly
(favourite Zappa is 'Hot Rats' and SUAPYG, which may explain ;-)
Last Wednesday 30 June 2004 11:47, Immanuel Litzroth was like:
> > I'd sorta' like to hear what a jam sessiom with Charlie Parker and Zappa
> > might sound like.
> Or even a discussion about drug abuse.
Either way, it's got to sound better than what happened when Hendrix and
Morrison met. But hey, let's not go there.
I'm really much more interested in the music people are making with Linux
Audio, studying the greats IS important, I'm currently re-acquainting myself
with Bob Marley, but it's too easy to get bogged down in reproducing a great
idea that has already been realised, when we have the means at our disposal
to create great new music ourselves. I mean that.
tim hall
--"It is no Myst'ry, we're makin' hist'ry"--LKJ--
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