Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Getting around the limitations of a low-end card
From: Them (
Date: Sat Jul 03 2004 - 00:16:02 EEST
Mark Wilson wrote:
> Particularly the last section:
> "What if I don't own a sound card with "Wavetable"
> synthesis?"
> What would be the comparable alternative(s) under
> Linux?
> virmidi?
There are various softsynths (QSynth, AMSynth, Hydrogen, I think
Timidity has a built-in one also) that can be used, and many sound
better than the wavetable synthesis you will find on a cheap soundcard.
You can always use outboard MIDI synths also.
I use both, actually, since my audio hardware (Audiophile 2496) doesn't
have its own synthesizer -- all the better, I say!
-- Brett
-- Rule of Feline Frustration: When your cat has fallen asleep on your lap and looks utterly content and adorable, you will suddenly have to go to the bathroom.
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