[linux-audio-user] Alsa / OSS support in Linux

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] Alsa / OSS support in Linux
From: Alejandro Lopez (alex_osiris_AT_hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Jul 06 2004 - 10:56:12 EEST

While on the topic, I seem to remember having read about a plan to
incorporate Alsa in an upcoming version of the Linux kernel, that would be a
plan to switch from OSS to Alsa as the "official" / preferred sound support
in Linux. I think I heard about it something like 1 year ago as something
that was in Linus' mind for the near future? Does this make any sense or am
I talking b_llocks here? Reason I'm asking is because of your responses
regarding Alsa support in the different distributions Mandrake / Debian /
Fedora, I was thiking hey wait a second, I thought it was part of the kernel
by now?

Anyone familiar with the status of sound support?



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