Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Soundcards & preamps [a bit OT]
From: Christophe Vescovi (
Date: Tue Jul 06 2004 - 13:22:13 EEST
Sampo Savolainen a écrit :
> I could buy a second mixer, but I would like to have 'proper' preamps. A
> mixer is full of all sorts of stuff, which I really don't need. I wouldn't
> like to pay the price for a mackie just for the pres. For the money I could
> buy better pres.
Not so sure, for 500€, you can buy a Mackie 1402VLZ Pro with 6 good mic
preamp. The mic preamps of the mackies are very good, if you use the
insert to pick the signal just after the preamp. The summing amplifier
and the EQ are not so good but the preamps are impossible to beat for
the price.
PS : And for the price you also have a decent mixer ....
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