Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] kernel2.6: realtime lsm and allcaps=1
From: Antonio (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 18:01:58 EEST
Jack O'Quin wrote:
> Just run `jackd', instead.
>>Neither the any=1 parm does the job. If I reload the module with the
>>allcaps=1, then I can start jack from a normal user.
> This is because `jackstart' requires capabilities, only available with
> `allcaps=1'.
Thanks! Now it work properly with gid=29.
>>Anyway, with the 2.6 series I've got a lot of xruns. I've read that
>>maybe the problem is, instead, with the new version of libc. Someone
>>knows more on it, and is there some workaround?
> Yes, set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 in your environment for the JACK
> server and every client process. Easiest way is to set it globally.
Oh well, I've tried this workaround and jack runs flawlessly: no more
xruns, now 2.6 is usable for audio work with jack!
> I'm working on an update to the JACK FAQ to cover this. The current
> draft version is here...
> Comments, clarifications and corrections are welcome. Soon I will
> post it to the JACK website.
The faq is clear, and the solution straightforward. There isn't much to
say about the problem until someone does not find the cause. Anyway,
putting it in the jack page maybe can help more people.
Thank again.
- Antonio
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