Subject: [linux-audio-user] RE: Re: Note tuning and quantizer in audio files
From: Alastair Couper (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 12:48:04 EEST
RickTaylor wrote:
> "best" being?
OK, you're right: That which I prefer, of course. ;-) IMHO. De Gustibus,
as always.
It's just that there is an experience that all musicians crave, but for
myself it comes all too rarely. I refer to the magical moment when all
effort vanishes and the flow begins. I sit in amazement watching as my
hands move by some other force than usual. Good stuff happens as a
result, and you hope the record button is pushed. I guess my comments
are based on the fact that I haven't had that experience tweaking a
slider or quantizing a botched passage.
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