Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Finale for Linux
From: Chris Pickett (
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 23:26:04 EEST
Them wrote:
> R Parker wrote:
>>It certainly isn't beyound me to wish that a company
>>with a high grade product would port to linux.
>>However, my feelings for that have changed. My current
>>position is, fuck them. This our community, let's keep
>>it that way. We need to put leeches on our own hooks.
>>I am prepared to spend $10.00 or $15.00 towards the
>>purchase of something if I know that money will be
>>well spent. If a couple hundred of us do that, we'll
>>make a hell of a contribution to our favorite project.
>>The more I think about giving $500.00 U.S. to a closed
>>project, the more pissed off I get. I'm tell'n ya, I'm
>>turning purple over here. Actually, I just had a
>>breakthrough on the drum kit so I'm not very purple.
> It was only a couple of years that ago that people started taking Linux
> seriously for graphics work, and it is becoming more and more prominent
> especially in the motion picture post-production/visual FX industry...
> open source/free software even, not just ports of commercial
> applications. I can only hope that people will start taking Linux for
> audio use seriously... especially for the starving musician who can;t
> afford to shell out $500 for Finale or $700 or more for DAW software.
In that case, it would seem to be a good idea to go after the users of
pirated music apps, which are widely available on p2p networks, and
convince them to switch. The viable arguments I can think of are, "you
don't have to feel guilty; you can talk without worry about the software
you've got installed; if you want a feature or enhancement you can
communicate with the developers; you don't have to worry about
downloading 10 versions of Cubase SX trying to find one that works; and
upgrades are generally seamless."
That's the reality. You can get $10000 of pro studio software with a
couple days of downloading in Windows, and that's why I think more
people aren't using Linux for audio. In fact, it's for reasons like
this that sometimes I think I'm almost _pro_ DRM / M$ pwnz you / big
brother is eating your babies for breakfast kind of software and
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