Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Finale for Linux
From: tim hall (
Date: Fri Jul 09 2004 - 15:00:52 EEST
Last Thursday 08 July 2004 20:11, reed was like:
> Please Brett... Let Midi and Postscript away for a moment...
> Did you ever made a copy or a change score for playing that can be a little
> similar to the original from Schott, Henle, BMG, Suvini Zerboni, or other
> printed score?
> I desire an open source tool, really!!
> But for the moment, googling scores edited by lilypond, I'ven't found
> anything really good... and a lot of time to typesetting it...
Your standards are high.
> Sometime I have to change details in some scores and send it to my friend:
> with finale I do it in few minute... Most of professional instrument
> players don't need any MIDI playback... they know very well how the score
> plays..
> I hope you can understand my sadness...
Very well, there are many instances where Linux tools don't quite do what I
want them to, especially in the first instance.
Last Thursday 08 July 2004 20:29, R Parker was like:
> It certainly isn't beyound me to wish that a company
> with a high grade product would port to linux.
> However, my feelings for that have changed. My current
> position is, fuck them. This our community, let's keep
> it that way. We need to put leeches on our own hooks.
Yay! up an' at at 'em! ;-)
Last Thursday 08 July 2004 21:08, Them was like:
> It was only a couple of years that ago that people started taking Linux
> seriously for graphics work, and it is becoming more and more prominent
> especially in the motion picture post-production/visual FX industry...
> open source/free software even, not just ports of commercial
> applications. �I can only hope that people will start taking Linux for
> audio use seriously... especially for the starving musician who can;t
> afford to shell out $500 for Finale or $700 or more for DAW software.
(Today I can afford a _big_ bag of rice, wheee!)
Last Thursday 08 July 2004 21:26, Chris Pickett was like:
> In that case, it would seem to be a good idea to go after the users of
> pirated music apps, which are widely available on p2p networks, and
> convince them to switch. �The viable arguments I can think of are, "you
> don't have to feel guilty; you can talk without worry about the software
> you've got installed; if you want a feature or enhancement you can
> communicate with the developers; you don't have to worry about
> downloading 10 versions of Cubase SX trying to find one that works; and
> upgrades are generally seamless."
These are almost entirely the people that I'm working on currently. I'm
finding that, while a lot of them are lukewarm about the idea of installing
Debian on their system, they perk up when I show them AGNULA. These are
precisely the arguments that I use. Usually they start off with all the bluff
and bluster of 'Yeah, I can get loads of free music software', you know the
line ... which, of course I counter with 'Yeah, so can I, but mine's all
licensed and proper' and then you watch their arguments go weedy and thin and
kind of out of phase, then you wait about a month for them to start saying
things like: 'Yeah, well Linux _is_ the future' and peering over your
shoulder to try and figure out why you don't seem to have to even reboot when
they have to reinstall (tee hee ;-).
Last Thursday 08 July 2004 21:48, was like:
> Linux is an excellent solution for 2d graphics. {Tho' convincing the
> Photoshop acolyte of this is beyond difficult.}
This argument about porting Finale or Sibelius is a bit like suggesting we put
pressure on Photoshop to port to Linux.
Last Friday 09 July 2004 11:19, Daniel James was like:
> My advice would be that if you have the money to spend on Finale or
> Sibelius but you want to run it under Linux, invest that money in
> developer time on a program like Rosegarden or Denemo to give you the
> features you want instead. That's a serious commercial proposition,
> especially if you are running multiple workstations.
Aye, the work that has been done on Rosegarden's notation interface is mighty.
OK, it currently falls a little short of pro standards, but it's really not
so far off. I do understand and sympathise with Reed's dilemma, but for now,
my vote goes for improving native applications, rather than persuading the
proprietary giants to drop us crumbs. As a composer, I'm finding the current
phase of Linux Audio development remarkably coherent and exciting.
Perhaps that's easy for me to say, I'm in the paradoxically luxurious position
of having little choice but to use GNU systems, so I have simply resigned
myself to the fact that my musical development will have to be in parallel
with Linux Audio development. One of my easier life choices ;-) I realise
that this isn't the case for all, but I'd be wary of dissipating the current
focus and also of creating a bad impression with these companies, who could
become supportive allies, if we play our cards right. Badgering people can
simply help them decide that they positively don't like Linux, where before
they were open. Please don't do this ;-).
tim hall
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