Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mellotron
From: Joachim Schiele (
Date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 18:28:56 EEST
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 19 July 2004 11:29, Emiliano Grilli wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I'm writing here because I have a large sample of a Mellotron that I have
> not time to convert to pat or sf2. Inside there are the 3 instruments of a
> real Mellotron sampled note by note (I guess).
> The author of the samples, a friend of mine, when asked said that we can
> use it like we did with the rhodes one that he made
> (, making a GPL
> sound font or gus patch (he's asking only a mention of his website on the
> Since the sample is 23 Mb, and I don't have so much bandwidth, I can make
> it available on my home pc to the ones that are really interested.
If you got trouble with your bandwidth just tell me the place where to
download the finished sounds and i can add them to my page.
> You can
> reach me via email or on irc on #agnula #lad or #hydrogen (nick "emillo")
> Ciao
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Vielen Dank,
Joachim Schiele
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