Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Good Studio Hearphones
From: stefano cardo (
Date: Wed Jul 21 2004 - 17:31:58 EEST
At 16.07 21/07/04, you wrote:
>mercoledì, 21 luglio 2004 alle 09:52:44, Polashek, Matthew ha scritto:
>> AKG 240m are fairly standard in studios. Very good quality.
>I have these too, and they sound great.
Thanks all!
I looked to AKG 240m, but I don't like the close system, sometimes I need to listen clearly to collegues who are playing with me, and with close systems it is So hard...
there is another thing important for my hears: the pressure... Sennheiser has 3.5 N... I don't really know what does it means, but I try to listen to Strauss "Domestic symphony" and the sound was completely better for my hears: no hard pressure when trombones, tuba, timpanies and grand cass play so loud!!! with AKG my hear hurt after a minute...
I think I will go to an open system... but let me know what do you think about it!
thanks so much!!!
Stefano Cardo
Debian DeMuDi GNU/Linux User
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