Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CPU clock - beware - Solved for now?
From: Malcolm Baldridge (
Date: Thu Jul 22 2004 - 09:19:05 EEST
> Absolutely. I have acpi=off as well - it was totally unstable before
> that; it was one of the first things I changed. I would disable acpi in
> the bios but I need it for windows to run... and I only need windows for
> sibelius. But now that I know you can run score in dosemu, it might be
> time to bite the bullet - btw did anyone who got it to work try
> printing a Score score from dosemu?
All you need for Windows to boot w/o ACPI is the "other" kernel. It's not
too hard to change over (you just add some flags to your boot.ini file - and
if you're paranoid, you can just make another entry for it so you have one
for ACPI and one without ACPI).
As always, the M$ KnowledgeChase is your pal:
-- A focus on Quality.
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