Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Sequencer choice & Thesoundsite
From: Robert Jonsson (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 18:42:40 EEST
Hi Alejandro,
On Tuesday 26 October 2004 17.00, Alejandro Lopez wrote:
> Chaps,
> Two quick ones:
> 1. I have MusE and Rosegarden installed in my system and would like to
> start using one for composing. I've taken a look at the homepages for both.
> I would like to compose by entering score if possible. My conclusion after
> browsing is that Rosegarden looks like a better choice for me. Am I missing
> anything? I think MusE can't do score, right?
Yes and no. MusE 0.6.3 has score features but not 0.7.0. MusE's main author,
Werner Schweer, thought it a dead end and removed the support. Instead he
started a separate project that probably will be
reincorporated some day.
Rosegarden is probably your best bet if you want to start from score. I guess
it would be possible to use something like noteedit to enter score and then
export to midi, but it seems more complicated.
> 2. Still thinking about that great site for soundfonts,
> Anyone else remembers it? Anyone knows what
> ever happened to it? (As it just dissapeared suddenly.) Anyone knows of any
> mirrors?
No idea what happened, though with respect to it's size I'd say it died
because of lack of money. ;-)
There's still with some great fonts.
> Thanks.
> Alex
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