Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Debian Unstable Rosegarden & Ardour
From: Chris Cannam (
Date: Mon Nov 01 2004 - 14:06:59 EET
On Monday 01 Nov 2004 10:52, David Mulcahy wrote:
> Just recently updated debian unstable and I am not sure if it was
> just coincidence, but if an ardour session is loaded and I start
> rosegarden, somewhere in the middle of initialising a session ardour
> gets killed. In fact it is impossible for the two apps to coexist
> rosegarden always kills ardour
Spooky. Never seen that one before, and I can't offhand think of a
reason for it.
Might as well start by looking at the stdout/stderr output from each:
run ardour from one terminal window and then "rosegardensequencer" (the
non-GUI part of Rosegarden) from another, and see what happens. If
ardour gets killed, see what it and rosegardensequencer printed out
last before that happened. Otherwise leave them both running and also
run "rosegarden --existingsequencer" from a third terminal, and see
what happens then.
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