Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] first release for fmit
From: Laura Conrad (
Date: Thu Nov 11 2004 - 18:26:27 EET
Trying to build fmit on Debian Sid.
Now I don't have any errors on either "make configure" or "make
check", but when I run make, I get:
[fmit-0.8.2]# make
Qt: generate header ConfigForm.h for interface ConfigForm.ui
make: /usr/lib/qt2//bin/uic: Command not found
make: *** [ConfigForm.h] Error 127
There is a /usr/bin/uic, but running make configure and make with
prefix=/usr doesn't seem to help.
-- Laura ( , ) (617) 661-8097 fax: (501) 641-5011 233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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