Re: [linux-audio-user] Scratch-built DAW - what's your favorite?

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Scratch-built DAW - what's your favorite?
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 01:33:23 EET

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 14:50:23 -0800, Brad Fuller <> wrote:
> The current discussions re: RME cards and ProTools going Linux reminded
> me of a question that I wanted to refresh the list with. That is,
> building a DAW from scratch. Ok, I'm not talking about creating your own
> mobo, but to purchase a pre-made one, a processor, cards, yada..yada.
> I haven't seen this disussed recently, and was curious what others have
> done, and what others have used, to build-it-yourself.
> Can we start with mobo's? Any recommendations, horror stories, successes
> are most welcome.
> I recently built an AMD64 PC using a DFI K8M800 board, but it was for
> MythTV. I had absolutely no problems with the hardware. The problem was
> getting 64bit apps/drivers. I had to build most of it myself. It is
> getting _much_ better out there for the 64bit world, though.
> As I said, that was for MythTV. For audio, my latest is P4 machine is
> running FC2 -- with no problems lately. But, this is an older PC.
> Stories? recommendations?

In my experience, by the time I've built it the hardware is outdated
and better stuff comes along, so what starts as a good solutio pretty
quickly ends up pretty much middle of the road.

To me the best DAWs are the ones that work well for 1-2 years. I never
have known which ones this will be.

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