Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Doing the soundcard manufacturer tango (long)
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Fri Dec 03 2004 - 01:27:13 EET
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 21:05:24 +0000, anahata <> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 01:21:47PM -0600, Ryan Gallagher wrote:
> > Reliability - Check with Mark about how often PTLE changes in any
> > fundamental way... rarely. It's the "just works" philosophy.
> Especially because, as mentioned earlier, a typical Pro Tools box is
> switched on to run PT and nothing else. Even Windows is quite stable
> treated like that. No networking, viruses and other malware to worry
> about.
> On the other side of the coin, that dedicated-to-one-job type of
> application OUGHT to be a good target for Linux - kernel, drivers and
> everything totally customisable in ways that Windows can never be. I
> suspect that the first successful Linux DAW will be an (almost) embedded
> system. You buy a box, plug it in and Ardour (though the user might
> never know it as that) appears on the screen...
This has been my thought. When I lost my job a couple of weeks ago I
had to start thinking about a way to earn a living. I was drawn to
start looking at this sort of thing. I think it makes sense although
I'm not sure the market is large enough for someone like me to make a
living doing it.
That said, it seemed like a cool idea to me to boot the machine and
just see Ardour ready to go.
- Mark
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