Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [OT] What I'd like for christmas , was : LAU and political discussion: sayonara !
From: Edward Barrow (
Date: Wed Dec 15 2004 - 12:19:31 EET
On Wednesday 15 December 2004 02:42, Tim Blechmann wrote:
> > This whole thread is bullshit and pointless on this list. If I want
> > my
> > intelligence insulted I'll talk my neighbors, they think Dubya's the
> > shiznitz. I'm quitting this list as of now.
> maybe, it's a good idea to split the lau-list in a lau and a la-ot list.
What I'd like for christmas (amongst other things) would be a plugin app to my
emailer that detected when I was tired/emotional/stupid/incoherent/way
off-topic and disabled the "send" button until normal service was resumed.
I've got myself into so much trouble (not too far yet on this list, because I
mainly only lurk here) sending mails I later regretted...
irrelevant flamewars are a fact of internet life. Keeping it to a few days'
flare-up a year is pretty good going on any list.
-- Edward Barrow
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