Re: [linux-audio-user] Fervent Software go! and GPL issues

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Fervent Software go! and GPL issues
From: tim hall (
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 15:39:33 EET

Last Wednesday 15 December 2004 23:48, Steve Harris was like:
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 08:07:11 +0100, Christian Frisson wrote:

> > What is the difference between this case and the "hi-jacked" Audacity
> > versions that used to be sold on eBay under another app name?
> The ebay guy was just a guy trying to make a fast buck, whereas Richard is
> an active linux audio developer.

Thanks for asking that question Christian. There is a world of difference,
Chris and Rich (with the help of Guillaume Laurent and several others) have
given Linux Audio one of its flagship applications - Rosegarden4. I know for
a fact that Rich hasn't had the time to start making his solo album using
that application because he's been too busy bugfixing and figuring out how to
pay the bills. No names have been changed and the integrity of GPL remains
intact. (IANAL either ;-)

It is essential that developers have enough income, either through funding or
non-aggressive marketing such as this, so that they don't need to be spending
their time doing other less exciting stuff. I don't see this as any different
from say, SuSE. If you want it free, the deal is you Do IT yourself. If you
want support, you can pay for it. [Anyhow, enough on that subject, or take it
offlist ;-]

Personally I shall continue using A/DeMuDi, however I shall recommend 'Studio
to Go' to those friends who can't handle a Debian environment and if Rich
needs a bassplayer/backing vocalist to help complete the album one would be
freely available at no charge, of course.

I think 'Studio to Go!' will persuade many musicians to try a Linux based
system who had not considered it before. This has to be a Good Thing.


tim hall

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