Re: [linux-audio-user] Problem with a tascam122

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Problem with a tascam122
From: Rick B (
Date: Sun Dec 19 2004 - 21:51:18 EET

Joseph Dell'Orfano wrote:

>I'm assuming that you did all the steps on the alsa web page
>The Tascam is supposedly supported by Alsa. I had thought about
>purchasing one, but if you can't get it to work, I won't bother.
>I know this isn't much help...good luck
>-Joe D
>On Sun, 2004-12-19 at 11:45, Arnold Krille wrote:
>>On Thursday 16 December 2004 22:34, Arnold Krille wrote:
>>>And here starts my problem: soundplayback is only the very first seconds,
>>>then it stops and after a while I get an I/O-Error. My action was "aplay -D
>>>hw:1 -f cd <a_file>". I also tested with alsaplayer and jack, both don't do
>>>any sound. :-(
>>>Maybe someone can help me, I would like to use this device on
>>>christmas-eve. BTW, I didn't test under windows, thats one thing left to
>>No one until now?
>>Here is an update: It works with windows. And it doesn't even work if I load
>>the modules for the tascam only without the module for my internal soundcard
>>and the usb-midi-box.
>>Please could anybody give me some hints where to search? Could it be there is
>>an issue with my usb-chip onboard? (I am now compiling the drivers for my big
>>pc too...)
>>Again, thanks in advance,
Did you tried try "/sbin/depmod -a" after loading the modules. I always
point people to the alsa config page at ccrma as it's clear and
understandable, here's the link:

The ccrma page is for fc1 and the 2.4 kernel but most of it is relevant.

                         Rick B

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