Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Unnecessary Services
From: Lee Revell (
Date: Wed Dec 29 2004 - 12:17:36 EET
On Wed, 2004-12-29 at 12:09 +0200, wrote:
> Hello Everybody - hoping your Old year is Excellent
> Is there a list that I could look at that would show all necessary
> and unnecessary services in terms of Linux Audio. If possible I
> would also like to see which files are to be editted for real fine
> tuning of my workstation.
While in general you should not run services you don't use, in this area
Linux is a lot better than Windows. Running unnecessary services should
not interfere with audio performance. Of course if they're usilg a lot
of CPU you have that much less for DSP, but it's not line on Windows
where you need to shut down all unnecessary services and the network and
what not in order to not get underruns.
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