thewade wrote:
> What is the difference between distros besides initial setup
> stuff (like redhat comes with a lot turned on, but you can turn stuff
> off and be just like gentoo, right)?
The different distributions are quite different in
*what installer they use
*what package system they use
*which desktop they default to
*what tool (if any) they use for system configuration
*how much they care about security
*how many packages and services they install by default
*how many non-free drivers they include.
This might seem like superficial differences, but infact make the
distros very different, esp in how easy they appear for people with
different levels of understanding for the workings of *nix...
-- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dkReceived on Fri Mar 18 16:15:05 2005
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