[linux-audio-user] [ANN] Linux Musicians Wiki

From: James Stone <jmstone@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon May 09 2005 - 19:25:59 EEST

I don't know if everyone is getting bored of Wikis, but I have just set up
another one(!) This time to provide a central site for Linux Musicians to
provide links to their music, and to give information about how it was
produced. I think this would be really interesting (at least I would find
it very interesting so I am sure that others would too), and judging by
the excellent music that has been posted to this list, there should not be
a shortage of content (I hope).

So far, I have just put some of my music up there.. I am afraid it really
isn't that brilliant (I am working on some new stuff at the moment).. but
I thought I had better show willing!

The way it works, is you have to host the music on another site and
provide a link to it. Open source audio collection is a good option if
your music falls into that category, and you cannot host it anywhere else:


Anyway, the Wiki is up at


I hope people will find it useful.

Received on Tue May 10 00:15:06 2005

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