Re: [linux-audio-user] RE: More Homemade Muzak

From: Lars Luthman <larsl@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 17 2005 - 16:36:45 EEST

On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 07:08 -0600, Steve D wrote:
> But your email gave me an idea. Rather than use Hydrogen (which I really
> like) or another percussion program to produce drums for any particular
> piece of music I'm working on, I could simply use one of the percussion
> kits in one of my MIDI tone generators, which maps a whole array of
> percussion from bass drums to snares to toms to hi-hats to everything
> else, to the various keys of a MIDI keyboard. Then I can simply use the
> keyboard skills I already have to "play" the drums in real time and
> accompany my already recorded tracks of piano, organ, etc.

Can't you play Hydrogen using your keyboard too?

Lars Luthman
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Received on Wed May 18 00:15:06 2005

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