On Monday 30 May 2005 21:11, james@email-addr-hidden-dot-dat.net wrote:
> On Mon, 30 May, 2005 at 12:54PM +0100, nigel henry spake thus:
> > Hi James. Why is it when I click on your .ogg files the downloader opens up
> > kwrite, and all I end up with is a load of code in kwrite? Normally I get the
> > "open or save the file" box. I mean, I'd like to listen to the tune not read
> > the .ogg code.
> > This is on FC1, KDE, and Kmail. Probably a stupid error on my part, but any
> > hints would be welcome. Nigel.
> Not your fault. It happens to me, too. For some reason, konqueror
> isn't recognising that it's anything that shouldn't be read by human
> eyes. This might be the server or konqueror, I'm not sure.
> I'm investigating.
# curl -I http://dis-dot-dat.net/music/alltehtriptest.ogg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
You have to tell your apache server to deliver a content type of
application/ogg for Ogg Vorbis files.
echo "application/ogg ogg" >> /etc/mime.types and restart apache.
To compare...
curl -I http://radio.opensrc.org/Merelte_Tuulee__Vesuris_Kmoeno_Mix.ogg
Received on Mon May 30 16:15:11 2005
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