Re: [linux-audio-user] streaming web audio problems

From: anahata <anahata@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 12:09:13 EEST

On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 10:27:24AM +0200, Maarten de Boer wrote:

> $ wget
> (The number seems generated, and only valid for a while)

That's right - it's different every visit, part of the mechanism for
randomizing the play list order.

> I look in the m3u and see URL's like:
> However:
> $ host
> Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

~$ host has address

Hmm... looks like you've got a local DNS problem?

> and deleted it right away, because this music gets on my nerves
> instantly ;-) )

Sorry, I can't vouch for the musical quality of my folky friends :-)
There'll be a track on mine on there some time soon :-\

> But I, for one, _hate_ websites that unadvertitely start playing sounds.

Playing sounds is the whole point of that page. I don't think background
music comes up on the main page.

> Anyway, I think the best solution for streaming music from a website, is
> icecast. It will stream (but it will not stop anyone from grabbing that
> stream).

I take it that means renting server space that has icecast, which I
think is a financial problem at the moment. This operation is expected
to get too big to run on the back of someones ADSL connection!

> the "analog hole"). If you can hear it, you can record it.

Yes, I suspect the difference between broadcasting and downloading is
which party is legally reponsible if the file ends up on the user's

anahata@email-addr-hidden -+-
Home: 01638 720444         Mob: 07976 263827
Received on Thu Jul 7 16:16:29 2005

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