On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 08:37:01AM -0600, Kevin Sookocheff wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently there has been news that Debian is lacking in security updates
> (http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/05/07/05/217225.shtml?tid=90). I've been
> pondering installing DeMudi for a while but want to know what people think of
> these security problems.
A lot of them are very trivial. Especially for a computer that's running
audio applications, not providing services to the internet and not being
logged into by 500 users distributed all over the office or campus...
Subscribe to the Debian security mailing list for the gory and tedious
I'm on Debian behind the firewalling provided by a cheap ADSL router. I
even allow myself to log in via ssh from work. I'm not worried.
There is a school of thought that says an audio machine shouldn't be
connected to a network at all (minimize services for best latency and
CPU availability for audio, is the logic)
-- Anahata anahata@email-addr-hidden -+- http://www.treewind.co.uk Home: 01638 720444 Mob: 07976 263827Received on Fri Jul 8 20:15:15 2005
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