On Thursday 07 Jul 2005 18:42, james@email-addr-hidden-dot-dat.net wrote:
> After the recent glut of very good stuff coming through the lists, I
> feel less inclined to expose myself.
> But I will anyway.
> http://dis-dot-dat.net/content/music/calmer.ogg
Awsome piece!
I could not help myself but made a remix adding the (in my mind) missing
piece, vocals..
I had to re-cut it somewhat which isn't seam free... also it added unpleasant
clicks at times which I didn't manage to resolve, but that's for free ;)
I hope I didn't spoil it completely..
> And swap the ogg for mp3 if you prefer it.
> Jamin is playing silly buggers, so it hasn't gone through my usual
> final compression to sort out levels, but I'm not going to play with
> it any more.
> I can't play guitar, so I've tried to make something that sounds like
> an electric guitar. It's actually a mangled sample from ZynAddSubFX,
> so it's probably better to call it an ecclectic guitar.
> Anyway, comments not just welcomed, but begged for, as usual.
> James
-- http://spamatica.se/musicsite/Received on Thu Jul 14 00:15:31 2005
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