Re: [linux-audio-user] Jamin Controller Plugin

From: Jack O'Quin <joq@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 27 2005 - 19:25:42 EEST

Spencer Russell <Spencer.Russell@email-addr-hidden> writes:

> ahh, apparently it was hiding in there, all along. It just
> doesn't get installed with the debian package of Jamin, and I was
> looking for files called "jamin-cont", which isn't what any of
> the source files are called. Turns out there's a controller
> directory inside the jamin source that needed separate compiling.

You might consider opening a "wishlist" bug for the Debian package.

It really should have been installed as part of JAMin. There's no use
for it, otherwise. I suppose that could be a separate sub-package,
but for something so small that makes little sense. It does add an
additional library dependency (liblo), however.

Received on Wed Jul 27 20:15:21 2005

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