[linux-audio-user] Wanted. 1 pattern of breakbeat in .it or .xm

From: nigel henry <cave.dnb@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 03:14:57 EEST

Hi to James Stone and James Shuttleworth. Someone (cough) mentioned choons the
other day and got me back on the decks. I've got Cheesetracker and
Soundtracker and have been having a go at trance and techno stuff, but would
really like to do some 90's style breakbeat (155+BPM). I just can't figure
out how to set up the breakbeat patterns. If either of you have the time to
send me a single pattern to give me a start I'd be very gratefull. Nigel.
Received on Thu Jul 28 04:15:14 2005

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