On 9/29/05, Michael T D Nelson <m_nels@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Paul Davis wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 21:26 +0100, Michael T D Nelson wrote:
> >>I bought a cheap second-hand RME Hammerfall 9636 recently, in the
> >>knowledge that it was untested.
> >
> > first step, pull the card, look for a small chip that will say either
> > "W36" or "M36". find out which one it is.
> >
> > i (yes, even i!) had problems with this when accidentally using a 9636
> > with the little-endian EPROM ("W36") on a big-endian machine (a mac).
> Hello again Paul.
> I think that you're right.
> The EPROM is marked 'M36'. I am using it in a Pentium 3 machine. Later
> it will probably be used in an Athlon XP box. I take it that this is
> probably causing my problem?
> Am I correct in assuming that I need to obtain a 'W36' chip and swap the
> two?
> Does anyone know if the revision number of the chip is significant? I
> was told that the original card was revision 1.5.
> Thanks for your help,
> Michael Nelson
I would take this question to the RME forums and ask there.
They are usually pretty helpful. Obviously I didn't have a clue
about this one since my 9636 works and always has, but my HDSP 9652
has been through a number of firmware revisions. For that card RME
provides an app that writes firmware updates. Unfortunately it's
Windows only so either set up to dual boot of move the card
temporarily assuming that such an app exists for the 9636. It may be
part of the driver package. Not sure.
Good luck!
- Mark
Received on Fri Sep 30 00:15:15 2005
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