On Monday 19 December 2005 23:22, Hans Fugal wrote:
> Nor does it _deserve_ anything else, whether good or evil. It's just
> a bunch of bits. Perhaps you'd like to imply that the authors of
> noteedit don't deserve to be ignored. This is a much more poignant
> point, and it's hard for us developers to accept sometimes, but using
> our software is just as voluntary as our creating it.
i don't care about the authors of noteedit, and i don't even (want to
ever) know who they are.
all i care is that NOTEEDIT is ignored. and what makes me angry is that
the reason is... ignorance of what noteedit actually does.
> When it comes to software and business, the question is never what is
> wrong with the user/customer, but what is wrong with the
> software/product/service.
very much agreed.
> Or maybe it's not really ignored at all. I'd like to see proof that
> it is being ignored, whatever that means.
it *is* ignored. but, hey, if i think better, i realise that any music
notation software is ignored (proportionally) just as much. not even
finale is as popular as it "should" be.
> If you think the
> best hope is to court the previous developers with lavish praise or
> whatever it would take to make them feel that spending time on
> noteedit is worth their time, then by all means go ahead.
as i said, i have no idea who they were and i don't care about
"creators", but only about their "creation". i hate any type of
personality cult, and this certainly includes britney spears, john paul
ii, linus torvalds, and (please don't kill me!) even g. bush jr... ;)
> So I just wanted to reassure you on two points: there is no
> conspiracy to ignore noteedit, and because noteedit is open source it
> will continue to be available and perhaps even continue to improve.
well, i surely hope you're right, because i *love* NOTEEDIT :) -- and
> Let's each do something proactive for our favorite project(s) and
> refrain from blaming others for our (in)actions.
why, i was *surely* not blaming! i was just expressing amazement
combined with frustration. as i am not a coder, i thought talking about
noteedit was the right (proactive) thing i could do.
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