Clemens Ladisch wrote:
>The virtual MIDI ports convert between old programs using /dev/midi*
>and new programs using ALSA sequencer ports. They do not connect
>ALSA sequencer programs together; use the through ports for this.
I'm not sure I understand that. I've been connecting ALSA sequencer
clients with the virmidi ports for years. I can send a screenshot of my
MIDI connections in QJackCtl, with virmidi ports connected to QSynth,
Jack Rack, the Emu10k1 synth, etc. But I may misunderstand what you're
telling me.
>I think you can achieve what you want by connecting a virmidi port and a
>through port together.
Been there, tried that, got no joy. :(
Btw, my results with this problem have been verified by another user of
Demudi and the 2.6.14 kernel. Should I be looking at anything else in
the system that might cause the trouble ? I'm terribly ignorant about
the 2.6 kernels...
Well, I can use the MIDI Thru for new work in Demudi.
Received on Wed Jan 18 20:15:07 2006
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