I've had nothing but bad luck with the snd-virmidi module and the
Demudi 2.6 kernels. Alas, no-one seems to be able to say what the
problem might be, so I thought I'd ask here: Does anyone have
snd-virmidi actually working on any Demudi 2.6 kernel ? On my system
(1.3.0rc1) it will load correctly, it shows up in QJackCtl's MIDI
connections panel, but it simply doesn't work. No MIDI is passing
through any virmidi port. MIDI does work perfectly via the MIDI Through
and via the hardware port, so I know it's not a general system error.
Btw, if you have loaded it please be sure to actually test it.
And just to clarify: MIDI Through will *not* do the job I need done. I
need the virmidi ports.
This is the second Demudi kernel that has had serious problems with
this module. I would like to hear from anyone who has it working under
Demudi. I'd really like to hear from anyone who has a clue as to why
it's so fubar'd here.
Received on Tue Jan 17 20:15:05 2006
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