Dave Phillips wrote:
> Clemens Ladisch wrote:
> >What are you actually trying to do?
> >From where to where to you want MIDI messages to be routed?
> Dosemu [...]
Case 1: sending from Dosemu to an ALSA program:
- tell Dosemu to write to /dev/midi02;
- run "aseqdump" (or any other program);
- run "aconnect 80:0 aseqdump";
- data sent by a DOS program will be received by aseqdump.
Case 2: sending from an ALSA program to Dosemu:
- tell Dosemu to read from /dev/midi02;
- run "aplaymidi -p 80:0 something.mid",
or "aconnect 72:0 80:0" to route your external keyboard to Dosemu.
Do these work?
Received on Thu Jan 19 16:15:10 2006
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