Re: [linux-audio-user] Generative music made with linux, again

From: Cesare Marilungo <cesare@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jan 28 2006 - 16:03:10 EET

tim hall wrote:

>On Friday 27 January 2006 11:38, Cesare Marilungo was like:
>>I would really really like to receive some feedback especially from
>>those interested in the generative technique. Even negative.
>General impression of having listened to the previous version once is that,
>like most generated music, it is very static. This technique slower with a
>string sound would produce Gorecki like textures easily. I have an aesthetic
>preference for music with more emotion, key changes and discords. The latter
>two would be programmable. The results are listenable and very hypnotic,
>however I'm not going to want to listen to half-hour slabs of it on a regular
>basis. ;) A shorter rendering with an organic acoustic improvising soloist
>would be more to my taste, but this is very subjective.
Thanks for listening, anyway.


Received on Sat Jan 28 16:15:25 2006

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