On Tuesday 31 January 2006 10:23, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 01:20:14AM +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
> > Hi Thorsten. I can't find your original posting for this tune, but it's
> > quite interesting.
> http://lalists.stanford.edu/lau/2006/01/0885.html :)
> > I picture myself as a lab technician standing in a lab, with some very
> > weird and wonderfull processes running, producing very weird and
> > wonderfull sounds. Halfway through your tune, I, the lab tech, decide to
> > join in with the sounds in the lab using your whistling.
> >
> > it sort of reminds me of an old black and white film. The man in the
> > white suit. Starring Alec Guiness (who was the man in the white suit).
> > Mind you. he didn't join in with all the weird and wonderfull sounds from
> > the processes running in his lab.
> >
> > It's interesting how you can listen to a new piece of music and connect
> > it to something you have heard in the past.
> Heh, very imaginative. Love to read descriptive comments and such stories.
> Thanks.
> > BTW: I'm still working my way through your archives on dialup. Just
> > started on December_97.ogg. Nigel.
> Cool. It means a lot to me, that someone would go through downloading my
> stuff on _dialup_! ;)
> Just added 3 new items:
> The already mentioned
> http://www.archive.org/details/This_and_That
> and except for a few people on #lad as of yet unheared tracks:
> http://www.archive.org/details/Ueber_einen_alten_Bekannten
> http://www.archive.org/details/Freiraum
> (Warning, all made on the dark side years ago. I still would like this
> stuff to be listened to instead of just bitrotting ;)
> Regards,
> Thorsten Wilms
Hi Thorsten. I havn't listened to many tracks yet, but really like Houseboat,
and Technotic trip is better than a lot of commercially made Techno that I've
heard. Ueber einen alten Bekannten is really nice, and I don't think it's at
all dark. I like the oriental, Japanese style melody, and drums. Freiraum
didn't do much for me first time round, but I'm just listening to it again,
and it sort of grows on you. Thats as far as I've got up to now, and sort of
blame it on the site you've chosen to put the tracks on. I just happened to
notice the menu item for "Live Music", and will say no more, apart from the
fact that live tracks are available in .ogg, .mp3, and even .flac, but not on
dial-up. 9MB .ogg increases to 50+MB for the .flac version.
BTW: Dial-up ain't too bad for your tunes, compared to 4x 600MB iso's for FC3,
and the same for FC4, + Knoppix 4.0, and most recently and less demanding at
239MB LG3D which uses Project Looking Glass 3D desktop. Sadly my video card
don't seem to be up to it.
Thanks for the music, it's really nice work. Nigel.
Received on Wed Feb 1 00:15:05 2006
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