OK, I see what you mean now and I agree.
On Sat, 2006-02-11 at 09:12 -0800, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Florin,
> I certainly agree with your comment, but possibly you didn't see
> the quotes around my use of the word 'required'.
> I would contend that most any set of reasonably wide range speakers
> can be used to create a good mix. The real key is that the person
> doing the mixing MUST know what these speakers sound like. The
> engineer has to listen to LOTS of recorded music on these speakers so
> that she knows what's strong and what's weak about them. By getting
> very familiar with the sound of the monitors and how they create the
> sound of similar music one will then be able to mixes that are similar
> in nature.
> I would suggest that with even the best monitors in the world one
> has to listen to how they reproduce other recorded music before one
> can mix good music on them that will work on many systems.
> Granted - if the original post was suggesting that the speakers
> couldn't reproduce anything below 100Hz or over 10KHz then certainly
> they would not be acceptable. However, if they are able to get out to
> the edges of hearing then, even if they are not flat, with careful
> listening one should be able to do a reasonable job and that job can
> be checked against other systems after burning a CD.
> I think then, and only then, should an engineer stick on a set of headphones.
> Just my thoughts....
> Cheers,
> Mark
-- Florin Andrei http://florin.myip.org/Received on Sun Feb 12 00:15:06 2006
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