Re: [linux-audio-user] CCRMA and yum

From: thewade <pdman@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 15 2006 - 05:39:21 EET

Hi Fernando,

So that GPG key works. I just included the URL to the file on the net
insteadd of downloading the file. This is probably defeating the
purpose of the GPG because people could theoreticaly modify a rpm and
change the key on your site at the same time, but that seems unlikely.

I am encountering some problems though. Probably descrepancies between
the livna repository and the ccrma repository. Can you tell me if I am

yum -y update
[lots of messages here...]
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package xine-lib
Error: Missing Dependency: faad2 = 0:2.0-0.lvn.5.4 is needed by package

And it ends there. Just to see if it was missing some file I built from
source I ran:
rpm -qa | grep faad
rpm -qla | grep libavcodec

So the files are there (and are from RPM's in the livna repository) so
I guess the problem is that CCRMA is trying to overwrite these files:
am I right?
Is there a way to get the CCRMA files to use the livna files?
How can I tell if the versions are compatable?

Thanks again for all the work you put into CCRMA, and into helping
meatheads like myself!
Received on Wed Feb 15 08:15:05 2006

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