[linux-audio-user] JACK over LAN.

From: Alex Polite <notmyprivateemail@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 00:18:04 EET


I put I question the ardour-users list about running jack over a LAN
and the answers and some googling point me here.

I have two computers laptop and headless_server.

1) From laptop launch ardour on headless_server through SSH tunnel.
(Already got this part working)

2) Get ardour to output its audio to a jack server that is running on laptop.

I realize that jack.upd and jack.plumbing are involved in this second
step. But other than that I'm pretty lost. I've read the man pages but
have no idea what to do with the information.


Alex Polite
http://flosspick.org - finding the right open source
Received on Tue Feb 28 04:15:05 2006

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