>The main problem I'm having with your
>postings is that they are so incredibly verbose and take an awful lot of
>reading. . . . .
Yes - this has been brought to my attention. ;)
I see that most here do generally keep it to '6 lines or less', and
recognize that on a list - especially such a busy one - this is good
etiquette and a practical necessity.
I have trouble with the terseness, but will definitely work on it - or just
refrain from posting if I can't say what I want to in a succinct fashion.
>> [Sorry for the rant, but that definitely pushed one of my buttons.]
>Ooh! what does this big shiny red one do? *prod prod*
You don't wan't to know. ;)
>This list does run at quite a high technical level, when I first signed
>up I thought I'd got LAD by mistake.
Definitely had the same reaction - sometimes I can't tell whether I'm
reading from LAD or LAU, which is why I thought the forum was a good idea -
though I agree it would be a shame to split up the community.
But you must realize that there are many of us interested in using Linux
for music production, (and more generally in the oss community) who are
*not* programmers or engineers.
The level of code-speak/tech-speak feels very high for a 'user' list, and I
do think this community can be off-putting to a lot of people with
less-technical backgrounds.
There doesn't seem to be a place for more casual, less technically-focused
discussion - and doubtless that's precisely as intended.
Perhaps I can create a forum at linuxaudyssey which can serve as an LAU
refugee camp where discussions of a more general nature can take place
(even discussions about the spiritual aspects of music :) ) - kind of like
a pub you go to after work - "A place where OT is always On-Topic" :D
>If you hang out here for a bit longer, I think you'll start to really
>appreciate the level of support this list can give.
I already do.
I respect the hell out of you guys - that's why I've hung with it so long
trying to pick your brains and glean what I can comprehend from your
erudite discussions. :)
And thanks for yet another cruelty-free post. :)
I'll turn this into a cruelty-free list yet!
- Maluvia
Received on Fri Mar 3 20:15:06 2006
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