On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 07:44:06 -0800
"Maluvia" <terakuma@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
Hi there,
> But Americans (and English) do seem to be notoriously reluctant to
> learn other languages.I mean - we can't even wrap our heads around
> the metric system.
Coincidently, amazon.com U.K. has moved their support centre from
England to Ireland, as Irish have a higher percentage of knowing other
languages and in the context of European markets, Amazon.com found it a
nec3essary move (see The Register and/or Slashdot).
> If the dollar continues its decline in relation to the euro, and
> international culture starts becoming more Eurocentric - as seems very
> likely right now - we may indeed see another language replace English.
I've lived in Europa for four years and there's more culture there than
in America, that's one thing for sure. People in general like to know
about things, they have interests, while in America only some do.
As for international culture, this is primarily backed up by money and
the enormous presence of American movies in theatres all around the
world, be them bad (a lot), average (most), or good (very few). But as
we've seen last year, UNESCO has voted a law to encourage countries to
produce their own films (this is not a problem in france by the way,
and that problem was overcomed in Spain in the last years) and to show
them in their theatres. Two countries, out of 100-something countries
has opposed that motion: the U.S.A. and Israel. Go figure.
OK, back to MAO. Very nice site, looks quite good. The documentation
seems simple and to-the-point.
"... il parait que Windows plantouille un peu à la longue."
He he.. funny ;-)
Received on Sun Mar 5 04:15:05 2006
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